The Stage is Set!
The candidate filing period is closed, and the stage is set for the Republican Primary Election on August 16. It looks like a total of nine Republican candidates (and zero Democratic candidates) have filed for the three seats on the Board of County Commissioners that are up for election this year. I look forward to the opportunity to earn the chance of being selected for one of those three seats. Please, browse my website, get to know me, and if you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to me at Also, I have campaign signs! If you would like one to put in your yard or at your business, fill out this form and I'll get one over to you. Also, if you have a good place in a high traffic location for a 4x8 sign, let me know in the form!
Record Breaking Year For Republicans!
In other news, the number of Republican candidates across the board that will appear on ballots in Sweetwater County is just phenomenal. Local party leaders, including Chairman Elizabeth Bingham, have been working hard to make sure that there would be Republican candidates for almost every available partisan office, and they were very successful. Including local, statewide, and federal races, fifty four Republican candidates will appear on primary ballots in Sweetwater County, in addition to about 75 Republican candidates for precinct committeemen and committeewomen. I would say that it is a record breaking election year! In contrast, only ten Democrat candidates and seven Democrat precinct committeepeople will be on Sweetwater County primary ballots. Of course, these numbers don't reflect the people that have switched parties to run as Republicans.
Too Successful?
Actually, the Republican Party has been almost too successful. It appears that since the Democratic Party in Sweetwater County (like it has statewide) has become functionally irrelevant, longtime Democrats are switching parties not only to vote, but to also run for office as Republicans. It is incumbent on you, the voters, to really do your research and make sure that the people you are voting for in the Republican Primary on August 16 are, in fact, real Republicans. Do some research. Find out how long candidates have been registered Republicans. Find out if they even know what being a Republican means. A simple test is to ask them how many Republican Primaries they've voted in. The answers can be revealing.
Primaries Are Important!
Speaking of voting in primaries, historically a lot of voters don't, and only vote in the general election. This is a huge mistake, especially since most, if not all of the races in Sweetwater County will be decided on the primary ballot. Democrats are switching parties every week, and will be casting their ballots in the Republican Primary. Don't let them choose who the Republican candidates that move on to the general election will be. Make sure to show up on August 16, and guarantee that Republicans decide who the Republican nominees are!
In fact, there isn't even a Democrat filed to run for Sweetwater County Commissioner. That means that absent successful write-ins or independent candidates, whoever is selected in the Republican Primary will be the most likely to be successful in the general election. Don't give up your chance to have your say! Vote in the August 16 Republican primary!
And, of course, vote for ISLAND RICHARDS!