Hi, I'm Island!
I'm a 46-year resident of Sweetwater County, Wyoming married to a wonderful woman. My wife Teresa and I have three adult children, all of whom live and work in Sweetwater County, and a five-year-old grandson who is the actual head of our household. I am President and CEO of Kayar Distributing, Incorporated, a local family owned business that operates three convenience stores in Rock Springs and Sweetwater County, employing between 20 and 30 people in the community depending on the season. I consider myself an ardent fiscal conservative and strong social libertarian. I am an active member of my state and local Republican Party and believe that the first step to making a difference in society, and holding our government accountable to the people whom it represents, is to show up. I have dedicated many years of my life in service to my community by being a part of a successful business, by creating jobs, and by serving on public and private boards, groups, and associations. I have strived continuously throughout my life to make both myself, and my community, better.
I'm running to be your County Commissioner because I love Sweetwater County! I've lived here most of my life, and will continue to live here for the rest of it. From the Oregon Buttes to the Flaming Gorge, from Seedskadee to Adobe town, and from Boar's Tusk to Little Mountain, Sweetwater County is home! I've spent the last 25 years working to protect and preserve it, and running for Commissioner is the next level of service that I want to give.
Unlike some recent candidates, I didn't choose the Republican Party just because it was the easiest way to be elected. I chose the Republican Party because I'm a Republican. When I became active in politics in the mid 90's, Republicans were outnumbered by Democrats in Sweetwater County by a margin of about 3 to 1, but I knew that the GOP was the best fit for my political beliefs. Together with a lot of like minded folks, I buckled down and put in the work to build the Sweetwater County Republican Party, and make it the majority Party. Now we outnumber the Democrats 3 to 1.
For over 25 years, I’ve worked tirelessly to grow the Republican Party in Sweetwater County, raise money, and support Republican candidates for various offices -- locally, statewide, and nationally. I’ve done everything for the local Republican Party from cooking hot dogs at the annual Halloween party, to acting as the MC for Lincoln Day Dinners. I’ve participated in many Sweetwater County and Wyoming Republican Conventions, where I worked on bylaws, platforms, resolutions, and nominations committees, and I represented the Wyoming Republican Party as one of the delegates to the 2016 Republican National Convention. I built and served as the webmaster for the County Party website (www.sweetwater.gop) for years, and have previously managed social media and marketing for the Party. Back in 1999, I even designed, built and launched the original website for the Wyoming Republican Party.
I don't just ride for the brand, I helped build it.
Kayar Distributing, Inc.
Rock Springs, Wyoming
President/Chief Executive Officer
Kayar Distributing is a family owned and operated business, and I began work there
as a pre-teen, learning the business from the ground up. I have continued to work
there as the business grew and as I have progressed through my own life. I
eventually became responsible for the day to day operations of the business, which
locally employs between 20 and 30 people, depending on the season. My
responsibilities include, among many others: human resource management,
inventory control, asset management, marketing, maintenance, financial planning,
customer service, and government relations.
Sweetwater County Planning and Zoning Commission
Sweetwater County, Wyoming
I was appointed as a commissioner on the Sweetwater County Planning and Zoning
Commission by the Sweetwater County Board of County Commissioners in 2012. I
was elected to serve as chairman by my fellow commissioners in 2014 and again in
White Mountain Water & Sewer District
Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Board Member/Chairman
I was first elected to the White Mountain Water & Sewer District Board of Directors
for a two-year term in 2000 and was elected again for four-year terms in 2002 and in
2006. In 2001 I was elected to serve as vice chairman, and in 2002 I was elected
chairman. I continued to serve as chairman until I retired from the board in 2010.
During my time there, we were recognized by the Wyoming Association of Rural
Water Systems as one of the best run Water & Sewer Districts in the State of
Sweetwater County Fire District #1
Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Board Member/Treasurer
I was first appointed to the Sweetwater County Fire District #1 Board of Directors for
a two-year term to fill a vacant seat on the board and was elected to an additional
four-year term in 2002. I served as treasurer for the board for the entire six years I
was a member.
Wyoming Retail Association
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Board Member/Chairman
I was first elected to the Wyoming Retail Association Board of Directors in 1995 and
served continuously on the board until 2017. During my tenure there, I served terms
as secretary, treasurer, vice chairman and chairman.
Wyoming State Liquor Association
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Board Member/President
I previously served a term as a member of the Wyoming State Liquor Association
Board of Directors and was then elected again in 2011. I have served terms as secretary, treasurer, vice president, and in 2017, I was elected to serve as president of the organization and was re-elected to that position in 2018.
Sweetwater County Republican Party
Sweetwater County, Wyoming
Member/Chairman 1996-Present
I have been a Republican ever since I first registered to vote over 28 years ago, and
I’ve been actively involved with the Sweetwater County Republican Party for the last
25 years. In that time, I have served as:
Chairman (1999-2001).
Vice Chairman (1997-1999).
State Committeeman (2011-2017).
District Representative, Wyoming Republican Party Executive Committee (2015-2017).
Precinct Committeeperson, Precinct 7-1 (2006-Present).
Additional Experience
Past member of the Sweetwater County Jail Task Force.
Past member of the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce Legislative Committee.
Past board member, referee commissioner, coach, and FIFA certified referee for the Rock Springs Soccer Association and Avengers Soccer.